We can work on Applied public management

For each agency, show three goals/objectives that could plausibly be part of its performance management system. Ensure that each goal meets the SMART criteria. Since these agencies are generic, please note that there are many correct answers to each of these agencies.

1.A state department of revenue (which collects taxes)
2.A nonprofit adult literacy program
3.A large city’s department of public transportation, with responsibility for city buses and subways
4.A nonprofit anti-human trafficking program
5.A city police department
6.The U.S. National Park Service
7.A nonprofit substance abuse program

Application 2

Service standards are an important part of the performance management system. These are standards or expectations about routine services performed by an agency or program. State three service standards for each of the following agencies/organizations.

1.A public parks and recreation department
2.A nonprofit child welfare organization for children in foster care
3.A rural volunteer fire department
4.The local Boys and Girls Club

Sample Solution

strolling your walk This book strolling your book expresses that good is about conduct. This implies if something turns out to be important for your ethical conviction, you should be set up to make proper move. In the event that you would prefer not to take what you believe is good and good conviction, is it actually part of your profound quality? I feel that I can not think something and I accept that the choice they have picked is in opposition to these convictions. The choices individuals make decide their good and good convictions. With your walks, exchange strolls and breaks, you pick yourself and make yourself last. Give exceptional consideration to the “telephone” you may get when you walk: Certain specific trees and shakes you are focusing, springs, winged animals, bunnies or deer you are keen on Please request that you follow the street. Would you be able to let this land choose your excursion, or you can “follow your nose”. Bring the diary and use it to record thoughts, pictures, and experiences. Sooner or later during your walk you will discover something that speaks to significant experiences and lessons about your walk. Bring this thing or its reasonable memory as extraordinary recollections to the educating The reason for strolling is to loosen up your brain. Accordingly, when you walk, you ought not permit yourself to think; yet you move the consideration of things around you. Strolling is the most ideal approach to work out. How about we go far. Europe loves utilizing ponies for people yet I question whether creatures are utilized more than we have. There is nobody who has so numerous individuals tumbled down. The Indians immediately observed a powerless white, so I strolled a long walk that day; he will be exhausted with the best pony. Without customs, I underscore strolling and I am not worn out. We should make strolling part of your every day life. I will stroll to work and go to the store. On the off chance that you are excessively far away, don’t drive there, stroll to the train, get off at the main stop at your objective, or utilize the tram. Rather than contending in the closest parking spot or paying a great deal of stopping expenses in the region, I park much further and afterward stroll to the objective. We should go for a stroll for mid-day break rather than the time spent in the cafeteria. You needn’t bother with any exceptional hardware in your every day life. Subordinate road shoes are sufficient, however in the event that you wish, you can walk and eat by wearing strolling shoes. Additionally, in light of the fact that you don’t have to perspire, unique attire isn’t fundamental; warm in winter, cool in summer, kindly don’t rain. Be that as it may, if the climate is terrible or the road is elusive, place wellbeing in the lobby, enter a long passageway, enter the shopping center, walk the steps (see box).>

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