We can work on Any topic (writer’s choice)

Why _______ is the greatest (movie/TV show/YouTube channel/song/game) of all time.

I. Presenting thought-provoking and interesting arguments based on your own reading and thinking (Missing=0; Poor=1; Adequate=2; Good=3; Very good= 4; Excellent=5)
II. Presenting strong support material from external sources including academic and scientific journals, authoritative news-gathering agencies, statistical agencies and others. Avoid Wikipedia and other user-generated information sites as sources (Missing=0; Poor=1; Adequate=2; Good=3; Very good = 4; Excellent=5)
III. Presenting original insights and ideas synthesizes the materials and work of others to suggest new ideas from your own experience and thinking (Missing=0; Poor=1; Adequate=2; Good=3; Very good = 4; Excellent=5)
IV. Clarity and exposition explaining ideas and arguments in a clear and concise manner using appropriate language (Missing=0; Poor=1; Adequate=2; Good=3; Very good = 4; Excellent=5)
V. Quality of your writing and formatting including grammar, spelling, punctuation and word choice (Missing=0; Poor=1; Adequate=2; Good=3; Very good = 4; Excellent=5)

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