We can work on ANTH 177 UMUC Anthropology The Albatross Chris Jordan Reflection Essay – Assignment Help

I don’t know how to handle this History question and need guidance.

Throughout the past 8 weeks we have watched several films demonstrating the application of the concepts you have been engaging throughout the course in relation to the diverse human crises currently taking place. For this assignment, please critically analyze one of the videos we have watched and write a reflection on it. Reflect on the causes of the crisis presented in the video and where we might start to move toward possible solutions. Your reflection should be at least 450 words. You do not need to formally cite course sources but if you use sources outside of the course, you would need to provide a citation.

Links for the films/videos watched during the course. For this assignment, please critically analyze one of the videos we have watched and write a reflection on it. Reflect on the causes of the crisis presented in the video and where we might start to move toward possible solutions.

1) Film 11th Hour — https://documentaryheaven.com/the-11th-hour/

2) The Kayapo : Out of the Rainforest —

3) Film – The Albatross by Chris Jordan

4) Just Eat It – A Food Waste Story —

5) 13th —

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