We can work on Analyzing the principle of least privilege

Write an essay of at least 500 words analyzing the principle of least privilege. Use an example from the news. and also Explain how this principle impacts data security.

Sample Solution

Using facial recognition in the real world is becoming more normal, and the technologies are improving very rapidly. It is just a matter of time until facial recognition is something people will use in their daily life. Until this is the case, there are still a lot of things to improve and the dangers that this technique bring need to be considered, and solutions need to be found. In this paper, a few of these dangers will be discussed and analyzed. i. Crime opportunities will increase When one is using facial recognition to prevent crime, it will also create opportunities for criminals. Stalking and identity fraud, for instance, will be made much easier. Cameras with facial recognition technology can be used to keep track of people. These cameras do not have to be expensive, which will make it more tempting for criminals to buy them, and use them for the wrong purposes. The facial recognition technologies can provide stalkers with more data about their victims: they can be used to get to know a person’s weekly schedule or to keep track of when someone is going away. It provides critical information, which for instance tells a criminal if it is safe for them to break into a house. These cameras can also be used to replace the user ID/password authentication method to access computer systems to obtain services in the name of another person. Even though the new methods can effectively distinguish the real face from fake photos by calculating the depth of the face, it is not that hard to break into a system that uses facial recognition. [3][8] US senator Al Franken has given his opinion on the problem of this topic in an open letter to the creators of an app that uses facial recognition (i.e. NameTag): “Unlike other biometric identifiers such as iris scans and fingerprints, facial recognition is designed to operate at a distance, without the knowledge or consent of the person being identifi>

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