We can work on An entrepreneur video

Watch a video answer the following questions
View a video about an entrepreneur, and try to understand his thoughts on entrepreneurship, in terms of the kind of value an entrepreneur creates, and in which ways. Play particular attention to the “nature” of innovation. What you have learned, whether you agree or disagree with the speaker, and how the information can be used by any entrepreneur. It is important to highlight what personally challenged your ideas about entrepreneurship, either before this class, or during the course itself.

  1. Does the entrepreneur reject your previous or current worldview? Does it reject what the course had taught so far?

Sample Solution

Despite the fact that neither the greatest nor the quickest creature on earth, the mantis shrimp is one of Mother Nature’s most choice manifestations, an ideal example of the harmonization among material science and nature. It is among the littler marine animals in the marine biological system, no longer than 30 cm long, yet its capacities show a few intriguing material science marvels and have enlivened various advances too. To this end, two highlights of the mantis shrimp merit unique consideration: its quick punch and its unprecedented vision. Not a Shrimp? Mantis shrimps are marine shellfish of request Stomatopoda. Incidentally, mantis shrimps are not really shrimps however are named thusly because of their closeness in appearance to shrimps and the land-staying imploring mantis. Mantis shrimps possess the shores of shallow tropical or subtropical waters and normally live in uninhibited tunnels, coral reefs or shake fissure. They spend most of their lives in their tunnels, and just turn out to chase for nourishment, which incorporates shellfishes, fish and other little spineless creatures [1]. There are two sorts of mantis shrimps: “spearers” and “smashers”. “Spearer” mantis shrimps utilize sharp thorned paws to cut their prey while “smasher” mantis shrimps have unmistakable altered paws, known as raptorial members that they use to break the shells of different scavangers for nourishment [2]. Figure 1: The peacock mantis shrimp Odontodactylus scyllarus, is a case of a “smasher” mantis shrimp. [2] Animalia Brus Lee One such “smasher” is the peacock mantis shrimp Odontodactylus scyllarus, appeared in figure 1. Analysts have examined them broadly and have discovered that they can convey strikes of up to 1500 N that last just a couple of milliseconds. Such punches can arrive at paces of more than 20 m s-1 and astounding increasing velocities of more than 105 m s-2, identical to that of a .22 bore slug [2]. This makes it the carrier of the world’s quickest punch, and furthermore warrants the moniker “Bruce Lee of the set of all animals”. Figure 2: Two power tops watched for a solitary punch applied by the mantis shrimp. [2] Scientists likewise found that, shockingly, a solitary strike creates two huge short, high-abundancy power tops, regularly 390-480 μs separated [2], as appeared in figure 2. While the main pinnacle is positively because of the effect of the punch, some unapparent event offers ascend to the subsequent pinnacle. Creepy Bubbles With the guide of fast cameras, analysts found that little air pockets are shaped when a mantis shrimp conveys a blow, as found in figure 3. These air pockets, known as cavitation bubbles, emerge because of the quick speeding up of the mantis shrimp’s limb, which deserts an area of low weight between the member and the surface it strikes. Figure 3 [2]: Pictures of the mantis shrimp’s punch caught utilizing a fast camera. Cavitation bubbles are seen between its club and the surface it is striking. The development of the air pocket can be clarified utilizing the Clausius-Clapeyron connection [3], dP/dT=L/Tδv , (1) where dP/dT is the pace of progress of weight P as for temperature T, L is the particular inert warmth and Δv is the adjustment in explicit volume. The Clausius-Clapeyron connection suggests that the breaking point of a substance is reliant on pressure. For water, dP/dT=0.036 atm K-1, which means an abatement in weight of 0.036 atm brings down the breaking point by 1 K [3]. In that capacity, in the area of amazingly low weight abandoned by the quickly withdrawing limb, water will bubble at the encompassing temperature, shaping an air pocket [4]. At the point when the Bubble Bursts… The air pocket won’t develop in size uncertainly and will in the end breakdown. For reasons unknown, this breakdown is incredibly brutal, which offers ascend to the subsequent power top we saw before. Such a breakdown happens when the air pocket arrives at its most extreme range RM, and the incomplete weight of gas PGM will be little, around 10-3 atm [4]. The elements of air pockets in a fluid can be portrayed by the Rayleigh-Plesset condition [4]: (P_B (t)- P_∞ (t))/ρ_L =R (d^2 R)/(dt^2 )+3/2 (dR/dt)^2+(4ν_L)/R dR/dt+2S/(ρ_L R) , (2) where P_B (t) is the weight inside the air pocket, P_∞ (t) is the weight of the fluid, ρ_L is the thickness of the fluid, R(t) is the span of the air pocket, ν_L is the kinematic consistency of the fluid and S is the surface pressure of the air pocket. Figure 4 [4]: Schematic of an air pocket used to determine the Rayleigh-Plesset Equation. The Rayleigh-Plesset condition can be utilized to show that the weight beat emanated into the fluid has a pinnacle pressure plentifulness P_p generally given as P_p≈100R_M P_∞/r , (3) where r is the spiral situation inside the fluid from the focal point of the air pocket [4]. Embeddings a few numbers, if P_∞≈1 atm, a significant beat of 100 atm will be felt a good ways off R_M away. These outcomes have been checked tentatively in research centers and are viewed as exact. Along these lines, a mantis shrimp’s punch not just applies an amazing blow on sway, the breakdown of the cavitation bubble it makes on sway with a surface produces another compelling heartbeat. All things considered, regardless of whether the paw misses its prey, the subsequent stun wave is sufficiently amazing to shock or even murder the prey [5]. Strangely, mantis shrimps in aquariums have been known to break twofold paned aquarium glass with a solitary blow [5], which is most likely why we have never observed them in aquariums. As Hot as the Sun Other than the beat that the cavitation bubble creates upon breakdown, another stunning occasion happens all the while. During the last phases of the breakdown of the air pocket, the air in the air pocket is enormously compacted because of the dormancy of the inrushing fluid. Since this happens in an amazingly limited ability to focus time, in the request for microseconds, it tends to be accepted that the pressure is adiabatic [4]. The principal law of thermodynamics consequently predicts that the temperature inside the air pocket will increment. Prior variants of figurings with starting conditions like the profundities and temperatures of where mantis shrimps can be found recommended that temperatures as high as 8800 K could happen inside the air pocket [4]. In any case, in the wake of including components, for example, heat move between the fluid and gas which can’t be overlooked because of the lofty temperature slopes and short length scales included, the greatest temperature at the focal point of the air pocket was resolved to be 6700 K [6]. In spite of the fact that lower than the underlying proposed temperature, these temperatures are still completely staggering and are in actuality more smoking than the base of the Sun’s photosphere, which has a temperature of 6600 K [7]. In any case, it ought to be noticed that these temperatures are brief, enduring just 2-3 μs before it cools quickly [6]. May there be Light Utilizing fast cameras, specialists additionally saw that swoon, brief beats of light, regularly enduring just 100-200 ps, were produced when the cavitation bubble fallen, as appeared in figure 5. This wonder, wherein black out light is created because of the high temperatures and weights inside the crumbling bubble, is known as sonoluminescence. Figure 5 [2]: Sonoluminescence, the outflow of light in a cavitation bubble, saw when the mantis shrimp conveys a punch. As sonoluminescence is as yet not a surely known wonder, the re are numerous models trying to clarify why it happens. A portion of these models incorporate the problem area model, radiative recombination and concoction responses. The problem area model states that the light is transmitted from plasma made because of the monstrous temperature and weight inside the air pocket. Light is discharged in a procedure known as bremsstrahlung radiation, in which charged particles emanate light as they are quickened because of the electric field of different iotas. In the crumbling bubble, electrons in the plasma interface with unbiased particles and particles, prompting bremsstrahlung radiation [8]. Another conceivable clarification for why light is created includes the procedure of radiative recombination, wherein fiery electrons in the plasma recombine with particles, and keeping in mind that doing as such, discharging the additional vitality as a photon [9]. An elective model recommends that compound responses that occur in the air pocket are answerable for the discharge of light. In this model, the high temperatures in the air pocket makes water separate into its particles H2O → H+ + OH-, which at that point recombine again to emit light [9]. Mantis Mechanics These intriguing wonders make one wonder: how are mantis shrimps ready to convey such a quick punch? As expressed before, the mantis shrimp has the world’s quickest punch, with a quickening of 105 m s-2. To have the option to move so quick in water, a lot of vitality must be discharged rapidly. Mantis shrimps improve their capacity yield using a tick component, whereby locks restrain limb developments until muscle constriction is the best [10]. At the point when the hook is discharged, the amassed vitality is discharged over an a lot shorter period than the first muscle withdrawal. Nonetheless, the muscles of the mantis shrimp are just equipped for putting away a little portion of the vitality contrasted with what is seen in a normal strike, suggesting that they need a particular spring-like snap component [10]. One model proposes that the flexible vitality is put away in a “compressive, saddle-molded spring, a solid exoskeletal structure found dorsally on the merus (the augmented proximal portion)” of all mantis shrimps [10]. Figure 6 shows a schematic of this seat molded spring. Hyperbolic-paraboloid (saddle-formed) surfaces are regular in ordinary designing and engineering, as their inverse and transverse arches can persevere through enormous powers by circulating worries over the whole three-dimensional surface. Thus, the seat formed spring of the mantis shrimp decreases the odds of nearby buckli>

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