We can work on Airline Operations Assignment

The Assignment is designed to allow you to practice the analytical and critical thinking tools/skills we have been working on all week. You will be required to deep dive into the situations and issues presented.
For both questions, assume you are a newly hired aviation analyst at an investment bank.
In Part 1, you will be performing a SWOT analysis on Emirates Airline and focus on its reaction to the Covid-19 Pandemic, what protocols were implemented to protect its customer and what steps are being taken to reactivate its fleet. You will consider the SWOT analysis to be part of a determination on whether Emirates may eventually be the only scheduled airline operating the A380 and whether reliance on that aircraft will be a solid strategy for the near future.
In Part 2, you will research and analyze the Long-Haul Low-Cost airline AirAsia X. Although the airline is currently in hibernation and its reservations systems are closed until 31 October 2020, you will identify what actions the airline is currently taking operationally and financially, and recommend what steps it should take to resume operations successfully.

This paper should be double-spaced, 12-point font, and ten to twelve pages in length (3000 words) excluding the title page and reference page. Please write in the third person.
Order of presentation:
Title page.
Introductory paragraph.
Use headings to demarcate your discussion. Summary paragraph.

Reference page.
In-text citations and references shall adhere to the Coventry University Harvard  Referencing Guide. The guide is included in your course materials. You are also expected to paraphrase and not use quotes.

Assignment Details
Part 1: SWOT Analysis (35% of Overall Grade)
Perform a SWOT Analysis on Emirates Airline. Use this analysis in the following scenario:
1.    How did the airline react to the Covid-19 Pandemic? Was it effective?
2.    What specific actions taken during the pandemic were particularly effective?  What was done with respect to protecting its customers? What was done in relation to the treatment of its fleet? Did the airline effectively market its cargo operations capacity?
3.    Do you think Emirates will eventually be the only A380 operator, and will that be a successful strategy? Consider that ultra-long-range aircraft can eliminate the need to change flights in a hub such as Dubai. Will there be passenger demand for these long-haul non-stop flights?
Part 2: The Low Cost Long Haul Business Model (35% of Overall Grade)
AirAsia X has long been recognized as a successful long-haul low-cost airline. However, due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, it has suspended operations (gone into hibernation) and closed its reservations systems until at least 31 October 2020. There has recently been some ad hoc cargo and passenger operations.
Please answer the following questions:
1.    What operations is the carrier currently conducting? What destinations and what capacity is being offered for passengers and cargo?

2.    What steps are being taken by the airline to inject cash into its operations and what steps are being taken toward resumption of its airline services?

3.    What would you recommend to the airline as to how it should resume services? What should be the airlines priorities, and how will these impact the success of the resumption of services?

Is this question part of your assignment?

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