We can work on ACU The Importance of Appropriate Treatment of Research Participants Discussion – Assignment Help

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Purpose of Assignment: The purpose of this assignment is to reinforce the importance of the appropriate care and treatment of animal and human subjects in social science research. The process to propose, gain approval from IRB, insure and provide the appropriate care and treatment of animal and human participants are important aspects of this assignment.

Instructions: As a follow-up to the previous assignment of developing your Methods Section as a researcher using college undergraduate participants you have had your Research Proposal returned from the IRB. The IRB stated that your plan to protect participant privacy, safety, informed consent etc., is underdeveloped.

Complete a 1-2 page response to the IRB. Include the following:

  • Describe how you will protect participant privacy, safety and obtain informed consent
  • How you will address participants who want to stop their involvement in the study.
  • Include 1–2 professional references.

Format: 1-2 pages, narrative, APA formatted

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