Abortion in alabama and relate it to australia see below for more
potential thesis statement : we should support the legalization of abortion based upon the concept of it affecting human rights in regards to freedom, discrimination, and value of life.
Contemporary Issues in Law and Society:
Assessment instructions: oral presentations and written assessments
Where do I start?
Identify a topic you are interested in exploring in more detail. Some ideas for topics might be the issues we are going to discuss in lectures later in the semester, or they might be things you’ve always had an interest in. You could even identify a topic from flicking through a newspaper, looking at a website like The Conversation, or some of the other current affairs-type sites, or reading a journal or other magazine. The range of topics is really flexible, however it will be easier for you if you can identify a topic where there are at least two opposing points of view- that will give you something to analyse and critique in your presentation and your essay.
Once I’ve chosen my topic- what next?
Formulate a thesis statement you can address in your in class oral presentation, and your written assignment. For some of you, you will already know roughly what your thesis statement is. For others, you might need to read a bit more to find out exactly what the different views are, to determine which one you prefer. That one will usually form the basis of your thesis statement.
Note: Adopting a thesis statement which opposes your own views is also okay- it gives you a chance to play ‘devil’s advocate’, a really useful skill to have, particularly for those of you thinking about going into law, or who want to participate in activities like debating or mooting, where you may be called upon to argue a particular point that differs from your own personal views.
A thesis statement:
• tells the reader/listener how you will interpret the significance of the subject matter under
• is a road map for the paper; in other words, it tells the reader/listener what to expect
from the rest of the paper/presentation;
• A thesis is an interpretation of a question or subject, not the subject itself. The subject, or topic, of an essay might be a particular social or legal issue; the thesis provides a way to understand that issue;
• makes a claim that others might dispute;
• is usually a single sentence somewhere in your first paragraph that presents your
argument to the reader.
What does that look like?
For example: If my topic is:
pill testing at music festivals,
my thesis statement might be:
We should support the provision of pill testing at music festivals because it would reduce drug-related deaths of young people.
What then?
Once you have developed your thesis statement, you can start planning your presentation/ essay.
Start by identifying the sections of your presentation/essay. (Hint: you need an introduction, a body, and a conclusion).
Your plan should identify which pieces of evidence go into which parts of your essay/presentation.
Use headings and dot points to plan the structure of your presentation/essay
What goes where? The essay plan
Your introduction is where you introduce your topic, and your thesis statement, to the reader/listener. In essence, your introduction ‘tells them what you are going to tell them’.
In your introduction, you should provide some brief background and context to the topic, so it’s clear to the reader/listener why the topic is important.
In the body of your paper/presentation, is where you present evidence demonstrating why your position is the correct one. It is also where you should present and critique the counter-arguments (ie arguments that do not support your thesis statement).
Remember to keep your structure clear throughout the body of the presentation/essay. Consider using the one idea/one paragraph method: pick one argument supporting/disproving your thesis statement. Write a sentence identifying the argument. Follow with a couple of sentences explaining the argument and presenting evidence for it; then write a concluding sentence explaining how it supports your thesis statement, or why it doesn’t, and how it is wrong.
Provide a clear summary of your main arguments, summarising how they support the thesis statement you outlined in the introduction.
In your plan, you should identify areas where you need to do more research to gather the evidence to substantiate the arguments you have identified.
Once you’ve planned your presentation/essay…
It’s off to do some research. For some of you, that will include the library. For all of you, it should include some quality time using the resources available through the library website. Your research should contain high-quality sources, including some or all of legislation and case law, parliamentary reports, industry or lobby group research and academic writing. You may use some media reporting; but an essay which relies exclusively on media reporting will not do well.
Once you’ve assembled your research, you are ready to write your presentation/ essay!
Your in-class presentation should be on the same topic as your written assignment. You can use feedback from the in-class presentation to refine your thesis statement and arguments.
Your in-class oral assessment/ presentation (10%)
• Should last for 8 minutes, with 2 minutes for audience questions.
• Can use no more than 3 Powerpoint slides. Do not include an introduction or ‘Questions’ slide. Please have your slides saved on a USB key, and email them to me after the seminar you present in. Powerpoint slides should be used to show visual content, ie diagrams, flow charts etc. They should not be used to present text.
• Please advise your seminar leader (Wendy) of your topic, and which week (weeks 3-7) you want to present in. No more than three presentations per week.
• You may use palm cards or unobtrusive notes if you need them.
Marking criteria for in class oral assessment
Oral presentation — content and structure (5 marks)
Oral presentation — communication skills (5 marks)
- Introduction
- Visual aids
- Thesis statement
- Voice, tone and pace
- Development and presentation of key points
- Eye contact
- Understanding of topic and legal analysis
- Body language and mannerisms
- Conclusion
- Audience engagement (questions and responses)
TOTAL (out of 10 marks) marks
Your essay (30%)
• Your written assignment/essay is a formal, written, academic essay, which extends on the research and arguments you presented in your oral assessment. You may incorporate feedback from your oral presentation to refine your arguments and thesis statement in your written essay.
• Word Count: Your essay should be 2000 words in length. A penalty of 10% of marks awarded will be applied for every 100-word variation above the prescribed word count. The coversheet, footnotes and bibliography are not included in the word count. The word count must not exceed 2,200 words.
• Referencing: Follow all the rules in the Australian Guide to Legal Citation. Include a bibliography. Proof read for spelling and grammar and use Grammarly to assist if required.
• Assignment Coversheet: All assignments are to be accompanied by a copy of the Faculty coversheet (located on iLearn under the Assessment folder).
• Submission Procedures: The Essay must be lodged in electronic form by submitting a copy electronically on iLearn using TurnitIn under the Assessment folder by 4:00pm on the due date. No hard copy is required.
• Extensions: Applications for extensions should be made to the Subject Coordinator via email prior to the due date and time of submission. Extensions on medical grounds must be supported by a medical certificate. Extensions on personal grounds may be granted, but only in exceptional circumstances. Extensions will not be granted because of computer crashes or because of multiple assignments and clashes of due dates. It is the responsibility of students to manage time effectively and to take precautionary measures such as making backup copies. Further, extensions will not be granted for conflicts with outside employment clashes.
• Late Submission: Where an assignment is not submitted on time, a penalty of 10% of marks awarded per day late will apply. No assignment will be accepted more than seven days after the due date.
• Grade Reviews: Students should first discuss their grades after taking time to read and digest that marker’s comments on the assignment. Applications for review of grades should be made to the Subject Coordinator within one week of the original grade being provided. Students are warned that reviews can lead to marks being moved downwards as well as upwards.
• Plagiarism: Severe penalties are imposed for all forms of plagiarism. Plagiarism is a very serious offence. This is especially so in the academic sphere. The sanctions, if found guilty of plagiarism, are very serious and may include a mandatory failing grade for the subject and possible suspension or expulsion from the University. The following are regarded as acts of plagiarism:
− copying the work of another student;
− copying part of another person’s work without appropriate acknowledgment;
− summarising another person’s work without appropriate acknowledgment;
− using or developing an idea or thesis derived from another person’s work without appropriate acknowledgment; and/or
− submitting work developed jointly with another without acknowledging the fact.
• In effect, this means when the student reads something and begins to write, it is essential to acknowledge. The student should do this by using footnotes. The student should also acknowledge the various texts that he or she has referred to in a bibliography. The student should do this even if he or she has not expressly referred to the work in the body of the paper. Where the student uses direct quotations from sources, it is essential that he or she not only acknowledge the source, but also use quotation marks in the text.
• Grade Release: Assignment marks will be posted on Gradebook (iLearn) within 21 days of the due date.
• Miscellaneous: Carefully note the following:
− The coversheet, essay, and bibliography MUST all be submitted in one document.
− All documents must be drafted using single-spaced Arial or Times New Roman font (12pt) with standard margins. Justify paragraph alignment.
− The only identification on your coversheet should be your SID. Please include your Topic heading
Marking criteria for written assessment (essay)
Written assessment/essay — content and structure (30 marks)
- Introduction (5 marks)
- Body of the essay: (15 marks)
Development and presentation of key points
Critique and analysis of arguments and evidence supporting thesis statement
Critique and analysis of arguments against the thesis statement.
- Conclusion (5 marks)
- Presentation and citation: (5 marks)
Writing style/readability (grammar, spelling, formatting)
TOTAL (out of 30 marks) marks
Some Research that needs to be included are The Roe v wade case in texas in regards to bill 314 – use case study to argue point
Mills harms principle – define and link it to abortion to argue point
Lord devlin and his theory and link it – what might his thoughts be –
references – ( i can format the references myself just need you to include them so i have them)
Oral presentation — content and structure (5 marks)
- Introduction
You didn’t really explain the context of your topic- why is this issue important outside of Alabama? Why should people in Australia, and elsewhere, be concerned? - Thesis statement
Again, this wasn’t as clear as it could have been- what did you want to achieve from this presentation? What did you want me to believe at the end of it? - Development and presentation of key points
You identified some key issues, but didn’t really tie them back to show how they are relevant to women generally, rather than just women within Alabama - Understanding of topic and legal analysis
This felt a bit under-developed- how can a State Bill undermine a UCSC constitutional rights decision? What is likely to happen if it passes? Will the UCSC uphold it? - Conclusion
Again, I wasn’t entirely clear what you wanted me to take away from your presentation- did you want me to change my mind? To take some sort of action? Or merely be informed that this is happening? Without a strong thesis statement, it is really difficult for you to give your listener a clear endpoint at the end of your talk.

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