We can work on A systematic review of patient adherence to tuberculosis treatment in sub-Saharan Africa: an analysis of factors resulting in the interruption of anti-tuberculosis therapy

A systematic review of patient adherence to tuberculosis treatment in sub-Saharan Africa: an analysis of factors resulting in the interruption of anti-tuberculosis therapy

– A systematic review of patient adherence to tuberculosis treatment in sub-Saharan Africa: an analysis of factors resulting in the interruption of anti-tuberculosis therapy.

– Data should be from 2008-2018.


-Qualitative papers to be used as this is a qualitative systematic review.


–  give a good rationale for this study.



The PRISMA statement on reporting of systematic reviews provides a 27-item checklist and example of a flow diagram to help improve and standardise reporting of systematic reviews. Along with using other published examples of systematic reviews this can help you to ensure some of the key areas are reported in your dissertation (be aware not all points will be relevant e.g. funding). Resources for PRISMA can be found at:






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