We can work on A Social Problem From The New York Times

Read an article that reports research on a social problem from the New York
​Times or other publication.
You can choose an article from the list on Canvas or look at the NYT online.

Write a short analysis of the article by considering the questions below.

1. Describe the article and the research findings it discusses.
What is the social problem?
What do the article or research findings suggest about the social problem?

2. Analyze the meaning of the main point or findings.
How is the problem defined?
What is the meaning of the language is used to describe the problem?

3. Analyze the social structures that shape or create the social problem.
How does race, ethnicity, gender or class shape or create the problem?
How is the problem shaped or created by capitalism, class inequality, white ​ ​ supremacy, or patriarchy?

4. Analyze the conclusion of the article or research.
What does the article or research suggest is the cause of the problem?
​ Is it person-blame or system-blame?
Who is disadvantaged by and who benefits from the social problem?

Writing the assignment
​In the first paragraph, give the name of the article and a brief description of the social problem it addresses. At the end of the paragraph, state your thesis, a one-sentence summary of your analysis of article.
​In the next paragraphs, analyze the meaning of how the social problem is defined and of the research findings. Then analyze the social structures that create or shape the social problem and finally, what the article suggests is the cause and who benefits.

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