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4-1/6-2-2 Discussion: Lasting Ideas From the RenaissanceDiscussion Topic Task: Reply to this topic Starts Nov 24, 2018 11:59 PMIn addition to the information presented this week regarding the reasons for the creation of artifacts in each era (the ancient world, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance), recall information about motives for creating artifacts presented earlier in the course as you answer these questions:

  1. Identify an artifact that represents the characteristics of each era. You should identify a total of three artifacts. Insert an image or include a link to your artifact.
  2. What do you believe was the purpose for the creation of each of the artifacts you selected? Justify your response using what you now know about the culture and values of each era.
  3. Why do you believe the creators felt the need to express themselves using these artifacts?
  4. When responding to your peers, reflect on what you have learned in this theme. What differences do you notice between the artifacts from each era? Where do you think those differences stemmed from? Do you think contemporary human creative expression can or should work to elevate humanity?
    Note: This discussion spans two weeks and is graded at the end of Module 6. Your first post is due in Module 5, and your two follow-up posts are due in Module 6. A 10% late penalty will be applied for initial posts that are submitted after the assigned week. No discussion activity is accepted for credit after the close of the theme.
    To complete this assignment, review the Major Developments in the Humanities Discussion Rubric document.

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