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100 words discussion

Paper, Order, or Assignment Requirements

What is counterargument in the opinion essay? In other words, if someone disagreed with the author, what would they say, what would be their position?

Your claim for this one MUST be in your words. Then find the evidence that supports it; be mindful that there is specific counterargument in the essay.

Your explanation should include an accurate summary of the author’s argument in order to understand the counterargument.

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Paper, Order, or Assignment Requirements

What is counterargument in the opinion essay? In other words, if someone disagreed with the author, what would they say, what would be their position?

Your claim for this one MUST be in your words. Then find the evidence that supports it; be mindful that there is specific counterargument in the essay.

Your explanation should include an accurate summary of the author’s argument in order to understand the counterargument.

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