We can work on 1. Utilitarian Rule–Decision that produces the greatest good for the greatest n

1. Utilitarian Rule–Decision that produces the greatest good for the greatest number of people•How do you measure the benefits and harms that will be done to each stakeholder group?–Economically?–Psychologically?•How do you evaluate the rights and importance of each group?•Which group is most important?
2. Moral Rights rule–Decision that best maintains and protects the fundamental or inalienable rights and privileges of the people affected by it•Constitutional Rights:•Life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness•Debated rights:•Right to privacy? •Right to know? •Right to health care? •Right to mortgage bailout? •Right to a job?
3. Justice rule–Decision that distributes benefits and harms among people and groups in a fair, equitable, or impartial way.•Equal pay for equal work•Performance vs. Seniority based pay?•National health care? •Redistribution of wealth?
4. Practical rule–Decision that a manager has no hesitation about communicating to people outside the company because the typical person would think it is acceptable•Would you like to see youractions reported on thefront page of the NY Times?
-Which of the 4 models of ethics is most biblical? why?
-work on a definition of ethics from a biblical worldview that makes sense to you.
(what scripture supports this definitions? /what attributes of god does this reflect?/how does this apply to the “grey”areas? Are there “grey” areas?)
-1page, double space

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