1 Which of the following are qualitative research methods?
Select one or more:
a. Web analytics.
b. Guerrilla research.
c. Lab-based usability testing.
d. Diary studies.
e. Remote interviews.
f. Contextual inquiry.
g. Multi-variate testing.
2 Multi-variate testing can be appropriately used for:
Select one or more:
a. Deciding on the best performing advertising.
b. Deciding why a design is more effective than another.
c. Determining why users are clicking a button.
d. Establishing how often a call-to-action is made.
e. Ranking different versions of content based on how well they achieve a goal.
f. Finding the root cause of why users are not reading a whole page.
3 Which of the following are deep-dive qualitative methods that are more suited to learn about complex contexts?
Select one or more:
a. Diary studies.
b. Remote interviews.
c. Focus groups.
d. Surveys.
e. Lab-based usability testing.
f. Ethnography
g. Unmoderated concept testing.
h. Contextual inquiry.
4 When designing a lab based study in order to evaluate the usability of an e-commerce shop where we aim to address the needs of existing customers and understand why customers don’t all complete their shopping, the best option is to:
Select one or more:
a. Recruit existing customers only.
b. Recruit non-customers only
c. Recruit participants from both existing customers and target customers.
5 Which of the following is true?
Select one or more:
a. Design personas are usually a reflection of our current users.
b. Pen portraits can be correctly conceived without comprehensive user research.
c. Proto-personas are usually a reflection of the audience we are trying to reach with our product or service.
d. Marketing personas are the same as design personas.
6 Models are abstractions to reflect an aspect of real situations. Which of the following are models?
Select one or more:
a. Customer documentary.
b. Empathy map.
c. Customer journey map.
d. Interview transcript.
e. Persona.
f. Survey results.
7 technique is used for:
Select one or more:
a. Sorting complex disparate data.
b. Generating theories or hypotheses.
c. Note-taking.
d. Uncover main themes.
8 Which of the statements are true?
Select one or more:
a. High-fidelity prototypes are useful for testing interactions with users.
b. Wireframes are inappropriate stimuli for usability testing.
c. Sketches can be used as stimuli for usability testing.
9 A comprehensive set of detailed wireframes should ideally include:
Select one or more:
a. A dated list of changes.
b. Page numbers.
c. Annotations.
d. Personas.
e. Version numbers.
f. Draft sketches.
10 Which of the following statements are true?
Select one or more:
a. A combination of the most appropriate approach depending on users’ contexts is more likely to yield the best user experience.
b. A mobile-first approach makes the user interaction more complex.
c. A content-first approach is fundamental to progressive enhancement.
d. A mobile-first approach guarantees a good user experience across all devices.
e. A mobile-first approach forces us to consider the priority of content.
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