United States v. McClatchey Academic Essay

(federal case) 2. Cobbs v. Grant (California state case)

You are to complete case analyses for the two cases mentioned below. Each analysis is to be a maximum of two pages. As with all UMUC assignments, the paper is to be well written and follow APA guidelines.
1. United States v. McClatchey (federal case)
2. Cobbs v. Grant (California state case)
The case analyses are to follow the following format:
Subject: Name of the case, the court of jurisdiction, the justice writing the opinion, and the court the case was appealed from
Facts: What is the major set of facts of the case?
Statement of the Issue(s): The court opinion has been written to address a certain issue(s) raise by one of the parties to the litigation. What is the issue(s) addressed by this opinion?
Rule of Law: The resolution of the case involves a rule(s) of law. What is it?
Application: In order for the court to decide the case, it must apply the facts of the case to rule(s) involved. Discuss the application of the facts in this case to the rules(s). What arguments are presented by opposing parties to the case? On what legal principle(s) does the case turn?
Conclusion: How the case is decided (the holding of the case).
Other Opinions: In some cases, one or more of the judges not writing the majority opinion will write what is called a concurring opinion. It is an opinion in which the judge agrees with the majority opinion but raises a different reason for his/her decision. There also may be a dissenting opinion. It is written by a judge(s) who does not agree with the majority opinion. Are there concurring and/or dissenting opinions in this case? Who wrote them and what was the basis for them concurring or dissenting?
Final Thoughts: Do you agree or disagree with the decision? Why or why not? What implications do you think this ruling has for healthcare administration?

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