Tuesdays With Morrie Academic Essay

Tuesdays With Morrie

Order Description
Name of the book:
“Tuesdays with Morrie” by Mitch Albom

first write the summary
1) Summary:

Summary development: the response captures the essence and is well grounded in the reading text.

Grammar and mechanics: the response uses grammar and usage consistent with Standard English. The response needs to employ a range of vocabulary that us accurate, appropriate, and consistent with the subject matter.
Second write the characterization

2) Characterization:
Development: the response displays an understanding of one of the characters in the book and why the student choose to highlight this character. It should display comments about the character in an interesting and relevant manner.

Grammar and mechanics: the essay uses grammar and usage consistent with Standard English. The response needs to employ a range of vocabulary that is accurate, appropriate and consistent with the subject matter.
Third write the recommendation
3) Recommendation:
Reasons and explanation: the information and ideas need to be well framed, well organized and well sequenced. Overall, there needs to be a clear logical progression of thought giving clear explanations and reasons.

Grammar and mechanics: the essay uses grammar and usage consistent with Standard English. The response needs to employ a range of vocabulary that is accurate, appropriate and consistent with the subject matter.
Fourth write the impact of the reader
4) Impact on the reader:
The reader is impressed by the writer’s purpose in writing and level of communication, producing a piece of writing of substance and interest.

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