Topic: Technological Advances in Tourism Academic Essay

Order Description
Advances in 2 aspects of technology: Trip Advisor and GPS – are providing major opportunities for tourism services providers. Analyse the existing research.
Your Essay needs to include;

A summary of the chosen text
An outline of the key issues the text raises
Discussion of the impact of social and political history on the life story portrayed in your chosen text
12 academic sources to support this discussion
Accurately encapsulates the content of the book (10 marks)
Understanding of the impact of social and political history on the life story portrayed (10 marks)
Draws from the readings of SWK2111 and other sources as appropriate – minimum of 12 sources (10 marks)
Appropriate language (10 marks)
Coherent development of discussion demonstrating English Language Proficiency (ELP) (10 marks)
Accurate in-text and end-text referencing – minimum of 12 academic sources (10 marks)

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