Topic: police misconduct and corruption Academic Essay

Order Description
the paper should contain the following topics
1. The location of the Department being researched. “Albuquerque police”
2. Crime in the jurisdiction versus similarly situated communities (feel free to explore the crime numbers in depth if you’d like).
3. Department’s recruitment and selection process including minimum and maximum age to be hired, educational attainment requirements, and disqualifiers to employment.
4. A description of the Department’s website and what should be included.
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5. Explain the complaint process.
6. Where in the Department’s hierarchy does the Internal Affairs function fit? To whom does it report?
7. An analysis of misconduct and corruption in the organization. How do you think the Department handled the issues? What other avenues might the Department explore?
8. As a consultant, what changes would you make to the agency and why?
9. Summary and Conclusion
10. Bibliography

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