Topic: Final Project Part 1 — Topic Selection Academic Essay

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Final Project Part 1 — Topic Selection
In this part of the Final Project, you will:
1. Select a topic for your Final Project
2. Provide an initial summary of this topic

Topic Selection

This is your opportunity to perform an in-depth study of a genetic topic. You are free to select any genetic topic that interests you. The only requirement is that your topic must be broad enough to apply concepts related to each of the four following Course Outcomes:

• Explain the principles of heredity including Mendelian genetics, mitosis, meiosis, gene linkage, and the chromosomal basis of inheritance.
• Elaborate the principles of molecular genetics including DNA structure and replication, transcription, translation, genomics, and genetic manipulations.
• Apply the principles of genetic variation including mutation, DNA repair, population genetics, and multifactorial traits.
• Discuss bioethical issues in genetic analyses and manipulations.

Once you submit your topic, your instructor will provide feedback that will help you to further refine your topic so that you it is suitable for completing the Final Project.

Topic Summary

Write an initial topic summary. Your summary should address the following questions:

• What is your topic?
• Why did you choose this topic?
• What do you know about the genetic structures/processes that are involved in your topic?
• Your summary should be approximately 1/3 to 1/2 a page in length using a 10-12 point font.
• Your summary should be based on at least one valid scientific literature source.
• You should have a complete APA formatted summary which includes:• In-text citations where ever you use information obtained from a literature source.
• A reference list at the end of your paper that provides complete source information.

• Put your responses in a Microsoft Word document. Save it in a location you will remember and with the proper naming convention: username-SC435-sectionX-Unit3FinalProjectPart1.doc. (Username is your student username, section is your course section, X is your course section number).

Title: Genetics Essentials
Edition: 2nd (2013)
Author: Pierce
Publisher: Bedford/St. Martin’s
Book ISBN: 9781429295161
Ebook ISBN: 1464167192

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