Topic: Consumer Behaviour Academic Essay

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PowerPoint Project (individual work)
Ethical consumption is becoming a key requirement in consumers’ everyday lives. Concepts such as carbon footprints, recycling, greenhouse emissions, and global warming are all used in the discussion as impacting ethical consumption. You are required to prepare a PowerPoint presentation accompanied by notes on the topic of ethical consumption. The main research method should be the collection and analysis of secondary data.
The PowerPoint presentation should:
• Discuss why ethical consumption is an important consideration within buyer behaviour and hence its impact on marketing.
• Select a product or industry of your choice.
• Use selected (minimum of 3) buyer behaviour theories studied during the semester to identify the application of these theories for changing buyer behaviour towards ethical consumption. Ie if you were a marketer, how would you use the knowledge of these theories to change consumer behaviour towards ethical consumption of your chosen product/industry?
• Include other information that you believe to be relevant to understanding and impacting on consumer behaviour
• Be self-explanatory
• Be informative, attractive and captivating, and depict your chosen message in a clear, effective and professional manner
• Not be more than 20 PowerPoint slides including title slide and references. The submission must include a full list of references (in the Harvard system) such as peer reviewed journal articles and consumer behaviour/marketing text books. There should be evidence of using a minimum of 10 academic references from a wide range of sources and of good quality

The notes (use the notes pages tool in PowerPoint for this) should:

• Not be more than 200 words and no less than 12-point in font size per slide.
• Elaborate the concepts, ideas and message in the PowerPoint slides. In other words, the notes are an extension to the slides that describe the slides.

Solomon M.R (2015 or 2014) Consumer Behaviour, Buying, Having and Being, 11th ed, Pearson

Solomon, M.R., and Bamossy, G., and Askegaard., S and Hogg, M.2009 Consumer Behaviour: A European Perspective. FT Prentice Hall, England.

Blythe, J., 2007, Consumer Behaviour, Cengage Learning, London, UK, ISBN 9781844803811

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