Topic: Advocacy Academic Essay

Paper details:

1. Define in your own words:
1. social justice,
2. human rights,
3. community development and
4. social development
2. Discuss these concepts’ significance for social work practice and how you see yourself working with them in your social work career.
3. Discuss different ways to empower at least two populations-at-risk and ways yoÕÉ≠†Њ†u will advocate for these populations in your future social work career.
4. Identify the two most important things you are taking away from this course.

Objectives, Readings, and Resources
Learning Objectives
After completing this week’s activities you will be able to:
• Discuss different ways to empower populations-at-risk and ways to advocate for these populations in your future social work career.
• Define social justice, human rights, community development and social development and discuss these concepts’ significance for social work practice.
• Identify the four global social work values and describe how these fit with your understanding of the social work profession.
Textbook Readings
Kirst-Ashman, K. K. (2014). Human behavior in the macro social environment (4th ed). Belmont, CA: Thomson Brooks/Cole Publishing Company.
• Chapter 12-13
• Emiliano Salinas: A civil response to violence
o Interactive Transcript
• Jeremy Gilley: One day of peace
o Interactive Transcript
• Paul Collier: The “bottom billion”
o Interactive Transcript

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