To be clarified by the writer: Academic Essay

To be clarified by the writer:

Paper details:
The implications of repositioning as a process of fortifying and positioning brand image: A case study on LIDL Hellas
The process of repositioning in terms of fortifying brand image: A case study on LIDL Hellas
What we want to specify for our title and work is the change of LIDL, its current repositioning? And how this effects its brand image that is transformed towards achieving a potent market position………
There are 2 titles above please select one or enhance accordingly

Instructions for the Written Report
The length of the Capstone report should be no more than 30 pages typed, 1.2 – spaced using 12 Arial or Times New Roman Font. This does not include preliminary pages (table of contents, etc.), endnotes, bibliography, or appendices. Electronic copies of the Capstone paper must be provided for each faculty member before the oral defense and at the defined deadline. No extensions will be granted after the defined day of the project submission.

Format for the Written Report
Your report should follow the general format as it is instructed below:
A. Background (10% of the final written work):
This is an introductory section thus you should put your topic into a context that is understandable to general readers. In this section you should clearly state what you are investigating, its significance (i.e., why it is important to investigate this problem) and the purpose of its development (e.g., to whom you will be presenting your recommendation and why).
The key evaluators of this section are: clarity, brevity, and how effectively you describe the topic.

B. The current situation of the company of your choice: Diagnosis of the main issues to be addressed (30% of the final written work):
This section is the “backbone” of your report. You should comprehensively discuss (not describe) the current situation of the company of your choice based on certain criteria/indicators, i.e.., managerial, financial, operational and marketing making use of contemporary sources, experts’ opinions, newspapers, etc. In this section you should also review the extant literature and make accurate linkages between the theory and the practice. Additionally, you can also compare and contrast similar to your topic cases making valid assumptions and providing valid arguments as well.
The key evaluators of this section are: clarity, focus, linkages between the extant literature and the challenge.

C. The challenges / issues to be addressed (30% of the final grade):
This section is the critical outcome of the diagnosis of the problems/challenges you have identified in the section B. you should clearly state and identify specific challenges that the company should master them all appropriately. These challenges should be well-defined following a critical rationale behind and be related to the contemporary business landscape.
The key evaluators of this section are: clarity, critical thinking, and how accurately you identify the challenges/problems.

D. The Recommended Solution (30% of the final grade):
You will propose a strategy as a solution to the challenge you have selected and identified in the previous sections. Your solution should incorporate the main strategic views as they discussed in the class throughout the Semester. Additionally, you should consider opposing viewpoints, potential opposition, and barriers. Also note that you should base your solution on the background you provided and the problem you identified in the section B).
The key evaluators of this section are: clarity, accuracy, focus, and effective writing.

E. References
A comprehensive reference list must be included at the end of the Capstone Report. It should contain all and only published work referred to your text. Poorly or non-referenced reports will lose grades. If it is necessary, footnotes can be used, although we do not encourage them. They do not count against your word allowance, but will not be graded either. They are strictly to your pleasure. Please note that the reports should be using the APA referencing style. Guidelines for the APA style can be found at the Writing Center file on Bb (Writing Center -> Information -> Resources -> APA Electronic Sources & APA Documentation).
Plagiarism Policy
Students are responsible for performing academic tasks in such a way that honesty is not in question. Academic Honesty Policy in the University Catalog states: “plagiarism is defined as copying another student’s work, lending work to another student or representing extracts or whole articles and texts from books or hand-outs as one’s own work”. More details on this policy can be found in your Student Handbook

Two drafts Are required as information will be collected from the interview. The 1st is due till the 24 of March second is due till the 10 April.

Additional guidelines that have been provided by the professors and must be included in the dissertation:

A table of content
Table of figures

Abstract general statement, address the gap, briefing of the problem and how it will be approached……… 150-250 words
Include Key words: up to 6

At least 50 references, APA latest style, alphabetically aligned…….
Include: SWOT
Porters 5 forces
• A table for the Lit. review is required (Description should be brief; you can see the Attached)
• Literature review should be mainly recent (it can include the fundamentals from the past but the majority should include recent literature)
• The literature should be up to 5 pages
• FYI: I have indicated that there in not much consensus between researchers and there is much confusion, which can be mentioned in the paper.

• History of the firm can be included in the Appendixes
• Charts and Graphs should be included
The information below will be provided after the interview but secondary research is welcome
All sectors of the firm should be included and how they assist including:
• Organizational chart
• HR: The human factor
• Finance &Accounting
• Management and strategy
• Marketing
• Interviews will be taken from the firm’s management and must be included along with secondary research.

Thus there will be a qualitative approach.

• The dissertation must include recommendations but also the limitations of the research.
• There should be cohesion between the content and sections of the paper
• We have added many important files that will assist and an outline that may assist in the LIT. review

Something that may be included in the recommendations that we thought of:

An electronic digital e-Leaflet that informs customers weekly about offers, provides special LIDL recipes and more. In this perspective magnifying and guiding consumers to LIDL. A booklet that will interact possibly with its mobile application, serving as a systematic service data notifier, education and consumer attraction tool. A differentiated service technology, with a diverse marketing and sale integrated approach. A technology booklet that may even offer the option of an online purchase & delivery. Technology- services that add value, boom customer satisfaction but most importantly reduce significantly paper waste and reduce costs on a long run (CSR).

Showing this way its customer centric strategic focus and Eco-friendly LIDL* vision.

A direct communication channel with consumers that may act as a loyal device rewarding customers based on their purchases and provide tailor made offers that may truly boost customer loyalty adding exceptional and exclusive targeted service value.

This app and digital booklet may also interact wirelessly with refrigerators scanning (or updated by a database that maintains all purchases and bar codes) and detecting goods that have been consumed. Hence, in this perspective notifying consumers about goods that have been consumed, additionally suggesting what needs to be re-purchased only at LIDL*. The digital booklet will also record the products and develop a reminder list for customers. This will create a bidirectional channel interconnecting the consumer and firm that will surely enhance supply chain management, through real time supply and demand matching

Another important factor is that this device will assist in LIDL’s overall repositioning, brand image and equity attraction. Customers will develop this new ideal concept in their minds and add new and more potent meanings fortifying the brand image and elevating the firm. This way both the firm and consumer will create stronger bonds with injections of superb new quality and forms of added value. Service formats that may possibly trigger positive vibes and high distinction in consumer minds placing possibly the firm at the top of their preference list.

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