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There are two case studies that need 135 words each…
1. Assignment 2.1
Case Study 1-The Feasibility of BEAM
Thoroughly review the assigned case study and respond to the following questions-
Using titles. propose the membership of a committee to assess the need for BEAM. If it should be made available at Metropolitan. recommend
whether to buy. lease. or use County’s BEAM-
What types of information should be presented to the governing body in the committee’s final report?
What political and economic complications are likely to be present in the decision making process?
How should the political and economic complications be addressed? Be specific in identifying the sequence of steps.
Case Study 2
Assignment 2-2
Case Study 3-Understanding
Thoroughly review the assigned case study and respond to the following questions-
Describe the role of each provider involved. including the hospital. regarding patient consent.
Describe how the roles are complementary. How are they different?
Identify how a patient’s age is important in the consent process.
Outline a process by Which situations like Ms. Brown’s could have been prevented.
1 case study comes from chapter 3- see attachment
2 case study comes from chapter 4 – see attachment