) The World Economy: Academic Essay

1) The World Economy:
Utilizing Maddison’s Data
What are we looking for?
05/10/2016 SD5101 1
What is the assignment?
• Your task is to utilize the data set to discuss issues of comparative economic
development in the period 1800 to 2010. You may choose any group of countries
to investigate and any sub time period (e.g. 1820-1870, 1870-1914, 1919-1938,
1945-2010). There is no set question, and you need to define your own theme.
• Write a report of not more than 3000 words, but graphical and tabular material
may be appended. Maddison’s data set is an Excel spread sheet which allows
Figures to be readily constructed.
• It is likely that you will need to consider at least 3 countries if you take a
comparative growth approach, and more if you investigate convergence.
• Since our major challenge is to consider how and why economic growth
experience differs, the countries you choose should illuminate an aspect of
comparative economic development.
• Why this form of assignment?
• Marton & Säljö (1976)’s Surface/Deep Learning dichotomy
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What the assignment must have
• Your report should have a title of your choosing
• Something that reflects your question and the content of the assignment
• You should show the motivation for your theme and choice of
• Why are these countries informative for a comparative study?
• Explain motivation for this case study
• Then engage with the data set and show how the GDP per capita
estimates are used to explore your issues.
• Most basic give some outline of the development path using GDP per capita
• Can you explain heterogeneous (i.e. diverse) growth experiences?

Is this question part of your assignment?

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