The Tempest" a tale to be read as if it happened or is it meant to be the dreams/fantasies of Prospero? Why, or why not? Dissertation Essay Help

1) Is the play "The Tempest" a tale to be read as if it happened or is it meant to be the dreams/fantasies of Prospero? Why, or why not?
2) Compare the character "Miranda" in "The Tempest" to the wife of Odysseus and three women for the "Lais". How is Miranda’s character
different and similar?
3) In what ways are love, revenge, and fforgiveness used as themes in "The Lias of Marie De France" and "The Tempest"
4) We have discussed the literary theme of natural v. unnatural. Pick a few (at least 3) characters in "The Tempest" that can be described as unnatural and
natural. You should explore both their differences and similarities. How do their important characteristics affect relationships between them?

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