The study on dispersion effect of alternative risk transfer of catastrophe risk by focusing on catastrophe bond. Academic Essay

Title: The study on dispersion effect of alternative risk transfer of catastrophe risk by focusing on catastrophe bond.

In order to analyze the dispersion effect of alternative risk transfer of catastrophe risk, I will focus on one specific ART product which is catastrophe bond.
Employing theoretical analysis to illustrate practicability of ART using capital market diversify catastrophe risk.
Please ensure that you define/discuss key terms (e.g., ART, dispersion effect, traditional loss mechanisms, etc.) at an early point in the dissertation.
Mathematical approach will be used to analyze the secondary data. (e.g., regression in SPSS)

Research question:

1. Are catastrophe bonds or traditional loss mechanisms a more effective method for managing losses in the insurance sector?

2. To what extent do catastrophe bonds help to diversify risk into capital market?

3. What is the relation between supply and demand in catastrophe risk market?
(analyze the relation between supply and demand of catastrophe bond in America).

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