The older adult Academic Essay

As you recall, our older patient, Red Yoder, with whom you met in Week 2, is preparing for discharge from the hospital since his wound required intravenous antibiotics and wound care. Jon (Red’s son) thinks that Red should move in with him for now, but Red is sure he is able to care for himself and insists that his confusion was due to the fact that he did not have his glasses or hearing aids for the last week. You have identified discharge teaching needs for him. This morning, however, in report the night nurse has shared “Patient is alert and oriented; vital signs stable. Fasting blood sugar this morning is 118. Red had his usual night of sleep. He was up several times to go to the bathroom. Since his catheter was removed yesterday, he has urgency incontinence. He is able to ambulate to the bathroom, but he is weak.” You administer his AM medications and note that he has some difficulty grasping the water cup and needs assistance holding it. Mr. Yoder states he needs to go to the bathroom and when you assist him up to his feet, he seems a bit unsteady. He takes several steps and tells you he needs to sit down.

  • How much, if any, functional decline has occurred while Red was hospitalized and how will this affect his recovery?
  • What are the risks and benefits of Red living with Jon and Judy?
  • What are the risks or benefits of Red living at home after discharge? If services are in place, would it be considered a safe discharge?
  • Considering all aspects of aging, what are the best and appropriate options for Red at this time

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