[the main topic is Monopolies] Critically evaluate and explain each statement: Academic Essay

: [the main topic is Monopolies] Critically evaluate and explain each statement:
Order Description
Topic : Critically evaluate and explain each statement:
a. Because they can control product price, monopolists are always assured of profitable production by simply charging
the highest price consumers will pay.
b. The pure monopolist seeks the output that will yield the greatest per-unit profit.
c. An excess of price over marginal cost is the market’s way of signaling the need for more production of a good.
d. The more profitable a firm, the greater its monopoly power.
e. The monopolist has a pricing policy; the competitive producer does not.
f. With respect to resource allocation, the interests of the seller and of society coincide in a purely competitive market
but conflict in a monopolized market.
Instructions :
1.use economic principles to enhance the overall analysis and or description of the topic. Do not embark on analysis focusing on social, political, or other disciplinary enquiries of the topic.
2. DO NOT PLAGIARIZE! You will get zero for that assignment and an academic dishonesty form will be
filled out, given to Pierce College to be placed on your academic file. Think of the opportunity cost of
plagiarizing (it is very high in this class). The paper will be ELECTRONICALLY CHECKED FOR
3. If you need to get graphs then you can: draw them in, scan them in, cut and paste graphs only from the
4. Papers need only be 10-15 pages (including your graphs)

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