The juvenile and adult justice systems Academic Essay

  • Differentiate between the juvenile and adult justice systems by first defining the terms crime, delinquent act, and status offense. Because of the School Board’s familiarity with Rosie’s juvenile case, discuss the nature of her offenses by identifying which ones are crimes, delinquent acts, or status offenses.
  • Explain to the School Board the origin of juvenile rights and the process of juveniles’ rights while in custody. Address the concerns raised by the school board member who wondered what would happen to Rosie because she ran from the police. Did Rosie’s choice change her rights?
  • Compare and contrast juvenile rights to the rights of an adult under similar circumstances. Use Rosie’s case to illustrate to the School Board the similarities and differences of the juvenile and adult justice systems.
  • Summarize the juvenile courtroom process using Rosie’s case. Include Rosie’s rights, and identify the courtroom parties who will be present: lawyers, judge, etc. Predict a probable series of events for Rosie’s case and describe how the outcome might be different if Rosie were an adult.
  • Integrate in your presentation to the School Board your proposed Juvenile Delinquency Reduction Plan from LASA 1. Describe how the plan might address one or more of the issues presented in Rosie’s situation. Explain the steps in your plan that the School Board may find helpful in their plight to reduce juvenile delinquency throughout the Centervale School System.



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