The Intent of a Study Dissertation Essay Help

The Intent of a Study
Order Description
Research questions should link directly to the purpose of a study. A quantitative study can include several research questions that include measurable variables. A qualitative study will usually include one central research question and a few sub-questions.

Please select the appropriate articles to review for this assignment based on your concentration.
Higher Education Concentration Students
1. Kretovics, M. A., Crowe, A. R., & Hyun, E. (2005). A Study of Faculty Perceptions of Summer Compressed Course Teaching. Innovative Higher Education, 30(1), 37-51.
2. K. Gardner, S., & Blackstone, A. (2013). ‘Putting in your time’: Faculty Experiences in the Process of Promotion to Professor. Innovative Higher Education, 38(5), 411-425.

Assignment Instructions
One article utilizes quantitative methodology and one article utilizes qualitative methodology, demonstrate your understanding of the different methodologies by:
• Correctly identifying the methodology of each article.
• Locate, summarize, and compare the research questions of each study.
o Discuss how the research questions link to the study’s purpose and reflect the selected methodology.
• Discuss the hypothesis (if any) provided in the quantitative study.
o Discuss why you think a hypothesis statement is not included in qualitative studies.
• In conclusion, practice writing quantitative and qualitative research questions related to your proposed dissertation topic. Use the following as a guide:
Example quantitative research questions:
• How frequently do [participants] [variable] at [research site]?
• How does [independent variable] relate to [dependent variable]?
• How do [group 1] compare to [group 2] in terms of the [dependent variable]?
Example qualitative research question:
• What is the [central phenomenon] for [participants] at [research site]?

SLP Assignment Expectations
Your paper will be assessed on the following criteria:
Assignment-driven Criteria: Demonstrates mastery covering all key elements of the assignment in a substantive way.
Critical Thinking/Application to Professional Practice: Demonstrates mastery conceptualizing the problem, and careful consideration of experts or research in the field of educational leadership. Module content and concepts are thoroughly and thoughtfully analyzed, synthesized, and evaluated. Conclusions are logically presented and applied to professional practice in an exceptional manner.
Scholarly Writing: Demonstrates mastery and proficiency in scholarly written communication at the doctoral level.
Quality of References and Assignment Organization: Demonstrates mastery using relevant and quality sources and uses appropriate, relevant, and compelling content from the module readings or other sources to support ideas, convey understanding of the topic and shape the whole work.
Citing Sources: Demonstrates mastery applying APA formatting standards to both in-text citations and the reference list.
Professionalism and Timeliness: Demonstrates excellence in taking responsibility for learning; adhering to course requirement policies and expectations. Assignment submitted on time or collaborated with professor for an approved extension on due date.

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