The Future of Juvenile Corrections Academic Essay

Over the past five weeks, we’ve learned about the origins, history, and trends of juvenile corrections. We’ve also explored the punishment philosophies used by juvenile justice officials to justify sentencing options; the various secure, non-secure, and community-based placement options for delinquent youth; some of the treatment methods available to juvenile correctional officials; and several of the special issues facing youth and administrators within the secure detention environment.


 In at least 250 words, post to the Discussion Area your answers to the following questions:

  • Given what we’ve learned about juvenile corrections, what does its future hold?
  • Which option do you think will play a more important role—community-based options like probation and community correction or secure detention? Do you have any other suggestion?
  • Which special issues do you think will be most prominent?
  • What sort of treatment options do you think juvenile justice officials will turn to most frequently?

Be sure to support your responses with information you’ve obtained from the required readings, the Argosy University online library, and other Internet resources

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