The best war ever Academic Essay

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Before writing: Make sure you have read “Michael C.C. Adams, The Best War Ever America and World War II (Second Edition)”, chapters 15-22 in Give Me
Liberty!, the appropriate readings in “Eric Foner (editor), Voices of Freedom (Volume II), Fourth Edition”. In addition, make sure to provide an
argument/thesis in your essay. Underline your thesis and your key terms, people, and events (all of which should be clearly explained in the text of
your essay/post).
QUESTION: Americans have tended to remember World War II as the “Good VVar – a conflict in which the United States represented and fought for a good
cause, in which Americans fought with honorable means, and which brought more freedoms for Americans at home and nations abroad. Evaluate this public
memory of World War II -what truth is there to this characterization, and what does this memory neglect or ignore? What ramifications did the
glorification of war leave for future generations? How was another generation of soldiers – or Americans more generally – impacted by the skewed
image of war? How were leaders impacted by the purported Golden Age of America?
Possible Outline (this is a suggestion only) Introduction with your thesis stated clearly and underlined. Paragraph 1 (Describe clearly the myth of
World War II as the “Good War’: good cause; honorable means; more freedoms for Americans at home and nations abroad. This may take several
paragraphs) Paragraph 2 (Evaluate the myth. What is true about the myth? What needs to be debunked? What does this myth neglect or ignore? This will
likely take several paragraphs) Paragraph 3 (What are the ramifications of this myth? How has it affected soldier? American leaders? Concluding
Paragraph with a summing up of your argument but also an explanation of why this all matters. What principles should govern American entrance into
wars overseas? In other words, answer the “so what” question here.

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