term paper on apology Dissertation Essay Help

term paper on apology
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The Dr asked us to do a small survey about apology and how people do that. I did, the notice is when men apology they do it (( indirect )) and women (( direct ))

Introduction consist of two parts : 1.the first part is the definition of apology “you can read all the definitions and then put them all together”
2. Apology strategies: how do we apologize you can find many different types of strategies for example :direct/ indirect/ IFID and many different kinds of speech acts
1. Method>> 5 questionnaire done on 20 university students 10 males and 10 females between the age of 18-25 Kuwaiti Arabic language speakers and speaks english as a
second language, the 5 questions are all about situations where people have to apologize

2. Finding >> here we say how many are direct and how many indirect and how when they speak to their father they use a very polite words and in the formal situations
for example when they hit an old lady they use a very polite and respectful words to apologize. It depend on the answers of the 5 questions. And how frequent was the

Conclusion: summary of what we already said .
Bibliography : the references of the websites of book we used while searching

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