Tech and society and culture Academic Essay

Historical Timeline and Predecessor Assessment Draft

This week, you will submit a draft of your Historical Timeline and Predecessor Assessment. This portion of the Course Project will include a historical timeline that diagrams at least three predecessors to the emergent technology and a written assessment explaining how these technologies influenced the development of the current technology (roughly two pages, APA format).

This section should include the following:

A visual historical timeline that diagrams at least three predecessors to the emergent technology

An assessment on how these three technologies influenced the development of the current technology

In-text APA-formatted citations with a reference page

The assessment should be well written and should incorporate proper grammar and no spelling errors. It should incorporate an introduction, a body, and a conclusion.

Grading Rubric


Provides a horizontal visual historic timeline detailing at least 3 predecessors to the emergent technology 15 (3 points per predecessor)

Includes a detailed analysis of the role that the predecessors played in the emergence of the current technology45 (15 points X 3 predecessors assessed)

Use of introduction and conclusion paragraphs

10 (5 points for each)

In-text references are used and a reference page (in APA format) is included 10 (5 points for each)

Editing; spelling, punctuation, grammar, sentence meaning unclear10

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