We can work on The goal of the projects throughout this semester is to implement a “prototype” database system application for a eCommerce social-network system called UCOnline where users can explore information about books/music/software, rate your purchase, identify purchase price and see ratings of their friends.

The goal of the projects throughout this semester is to implement a “prototype” database system application for a eCommerce social-network system called UCOnline where users can explore information about books/music/software, rate your purchase, identify purchase price and see ratings of their friends. Below you will find the ERD deliverable requirements. BUSINESS REQUIREMENTS ACROSS ALL ASSIGNMENTS You willRead more about We can work on The goal of the projects throughout this semester is to implement a “prototype” database system application for a eCommerce social-network system called UCOnline where users can explore information about books/music/software, rate your purchase, identify purchase price and see ratings of their friends.[…]

We can work on Risk ratings

Faced with the need to deliver risk ratings for your organization, you will have to substitute the organization’s risk preferences for your own. For, indeed, it is the organization’s risk tolerance that the assessment is trying to achieve, not each assessor’s personal risk preferences. What is the risk posture for each particular system as itRead more about We can work on Risk ratings[…]