Students with numeracy difficulties Academic Essay

Assignment 1 – Reading response
? Each week you will post brief responses to two readings on FLO.
o There may be set readings or a choice.
o Cite the author/s only (Full APA not needed) and respond separately to both readings.
? These three questions must be responded to every week for both readings.
1. What key ideas did you take from the reading?
2. What are the implications for teaching and learning?
3. What are your questions/reflections about what you read?

Brownell, W.A. (2007). The progressive nature of learning in mathematics [Special issue]. Mathematics Teacher, 100, 26-34. (Reprinted from Mathematics Teacher, 37, 1944, April, 147-157).
Gurganus, S.P. (2007). Foundations of mathematics learning. In Math instruction for students with learning problems (pp. 28-58). Boston, MA: Pearson Education.

P.S. Please fill the answers in the “Week 3” file this is the expected layout.

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