Strategic Decision Making in Technology Startups. (How important is a strategy for a Startups?) Academic Essay

Topic: Strategic Decision Making in Technology Startups. (How important is a strategy for a Startups?)

Paper details:

At first only abstract and table of content should be prepared. Please see instructions in added file.

Strategic Decision Making in Technology Startups
How important is a strategy for a Startups?
Master Thesis should have the typical structure:

1. Abstract
2. Introduction
3. Literature review
4. Methodology
5. Results
6. Discussions
7. Conclusion

Main questions to answer:
How important is a strategy for a Tech Startups? (How far) Is Strategic Management process adaptable for startups?

A strategic view on different facets of the company. Short-term, long-term strategic decisions…

Some idea for sections in Table of content:

? Introduction
? Vision und Mission
? Role of the driving force Entrepreneurs in strategic decision making process
? Innovation and Business Development
? Idea and Idea conception
? Business Model (Canvas), Business plan
? Architecture and design of products/Services // Startup
? Strategic relations to customers, investors, cooperation partners, Multiplicators
? Market and distribution
? Market entry and competitors
Correct References & Citation…

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