Statistic Academic Essay

Marion A. Baptiste
Statistic Exam

When the owner of a small business reviews her list of contract for 2011, she finds that 35% of the contracts were from clients she met at a large conference at the end of 2010. Answer the following questions about this situation.
a. Was the measurement obtained by a sample or a census? What words in the description of the situation make you confident that your answer is correct?
b. Should the owner have taken into account some measure of reliability associated with the value of 35%
Assume that the number of sales per day of an app in the Apple IOS App store is normally distributed.

a. What two parameters of the distribution would you need to be able to determine the probability of sales on a particular day exceeding 100 units?
b. If the probability of sales exceeding 100 units is 20% and the mean daily sales is 86 units, then what is the standard deviation of the distribution?

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