Spiritual benchmark
This assignment requires you to interview one person and requires an analysis of your interview experience.
Spiritual benchmark
Part I:
Interview Select a patient, a family member, or a friend to interview. Be sure to focus on the interviewee’s experience as a patient, regardless of whom you choose to interview. Review The Joint Commission resource found in topic materials, which provides some guidelines for creating spiritual assessment tools for evaluating the spiritual needs of patients. Using this resource and any other guidelines/examples that you can find, create your own tool for assessing the spiritual needs of patients. Your spiritual needs assessment survey must include a minimum of five questions that can be answered during the interview. During the interview, document the interviewee’s responses. The transcript should include the questions asked and the answers provided. Be sure to record the responses during the interview by taking detailed notes. Omit specific names and other personal information through which the interviewee can be determined.
Spiritual benchmark
Part II:
Analysis Write a 500-750 word analysis of your interview experience. Be sure to exclude specific names and other personal information from the interview. Instead, provide demographics such as sex, age, ethnicity, and religion. Include the following in your response: What went well?
Were there any barriers or challenges that inhibited your ability to complete the assessment tool? How would you address these in the future or change your assessment to better address these challenges?
How can this tool assist you in providing appropriate interventions to meet the needs of your patient?
Did you discover that illness and stress amplified the spiritual concern and needs of your interviewee? Explain your answer with examples.
Submit both the transcript of the interview and the analysis of your results. This should be submitted as one document. The interview transcript does not figure into the word count.
Spiritual benchmark
Sample Solution
The first step towards addressing the spiritual needs of a patient is by performing a spiritual assessment. It is a tool that provides a better understanding of the patient’s background on beliefs, biases, moral values and needs related to health care. Patients have a right to their cultural beliefs and practices. Another fundamental tool for addressing practical spirituality in health care is by performing developmental assessments to treat patients according to their spiritual needs.
My interview experience involved a patient who required spiritual interventions. The patient was a young lady from the Muslim religion. The toughest part was to convince me that I could help a Muslim patient considering my Christianity background. However, the patient did believe in what I mentioned about Christianity, and it was a coincidence that she also did have a little background on Christianity.
As an interviewer, I used the spiritual assessment tool to determine the patients’ need for spiritual guidance. The barriers to using the spiritual assessment tool are a lack of time and lack of experience in taking religious histories. It leads to some patients claiming that most of their physicians never discussed beliefs with them. The best way to avoid such barriers is to enroll physicians in programs and providing them with the required training tools.
Spiritual benchmark
1. Yousefi, H., & Abedi, H. A. (January 01, 2011). Spiritual care in hospitalized patients. Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research, 16, 1, 125-32.
2. Carr, T., Hicks-Moore, S., & Montgomery, P. (January 01, 2011). What’s so big about the `little things’: A phenomenological inquiry into the meaning of spiritual care in dementia. Dementia, 10, 3, 399-414.
3. Ellis, M. R., Thomlinson, P., Gemmill, C., & Harris, W. (December 07, 2013). The Spiritual Needs and Resources of Hospitalized Primary Care Patients. Journal of Religion and Health, 52, 4, 1306-1318.