somalia famine Dissertation Essay Help

Q1: Link to first news story.
McKenzie, D., & Swails, B. (2017, Mar. 8). Somalia: ‘People are dying of hunger…there’s no water. CNN. Retrieved from

Q2: Why did you choose this topic?
The rationale for selecting the topic was based on the negative implications that the event has had on the human populace not only in the affected regions, but also the world as a whole. For one loss of millions of people as they give up to starvation calls out for aids and more humane approach in trying to salvage the affected population. It is hard to imagine that more than half of a country’s population can be suffering from hunger as is the case with Somalia

Q3: Research the history of your topic (event). Choose two more internet sources that describe events previous, related events and put them here.
Chossudovsky, M. (2011, Jul. 21). Somalia: The real causes of famine. Retrieved from
Kristina, C. (2013, May 7). 260,000 people didn’t have to die of famine in Somalia. Retrieved from

Q4: Who or what is most impacted by your event?
The most affected people by this situation are the poor children and the women. Since a majority of men are involved in wars, children suffer themost. Additionally, the most impacted areas facing the drought and famine include the marginalized regions in the South of Somalia.

Q5: What do you think might happen in the future because of your event? Begin constructing a thesis for your paper.
In future, decisions and policies must be formulated to give priorities to the life saving actions of the affected groups. International organizations together with the Somalian government should set aside funds in their budget for the famine control. Also, the neighboring countries like Kenya, Sudan, and Ethiopia should combine efforts to help in destroying poverty by lending their help.
1- Use the information above to write 6 paragraphs

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