There are manifest and latent functions of all of societies. What are the manifest and latent functions of Facebook?
There are numerous cultural aspects within a society. What traditions does your family have that come from your culture and how do they improve your family’s function?
Have you ever belonged to an outgroup, or do you know someone that has? Using the conflict theory, explain what purpose the outgroup played.
Using the symbolic interaction theory, explain what beauty is for men and women in the media in U.S. society
Cohabitation (living together and sharing a bed) is happening at a greater rate in people over 65 years of age. What are the possible reasons (sociologically) for this increase and how do you feel about this new trend?
Rituals are in present in every religion. Think about the rituals that you are familiar with from your own or someone else’s religion; explain the function for these rituals.
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