Sociological Perspectives and Sociological Imagination assignment instructions
Answer both Part A and Part B below. Write a minimum of 500 words (about two pages) for each part of this assignment.
Part A
Compare and contrast the functionalist, conflict, and interactionist theoretical approaches to the study of society. How does each approach view society, the individual, social order, and social change? Your textbook analyzes sports in terms of various perspectives. Using the analysis of sports as a model, analyze the role of television from the functional, conflict, and interactionist approaches.
Part B
C. Wright Mills invented the term sociological imagination. In your own words, what is the sociological imagination? Select an article from a news magazine (such as Time or Newsweek) that describes conflicts and the changes that are taking place in a community. Describe these conflicts and changes. How can the sociological imagination help us to understand them? Be sure to provide your mentor with full bibliographic information for the article you have chosen so that she or he can locate and read the article.
Sociological Perspectives and Sociological Imagination scope
Sample Solution
The functionalist, conflict, and interactionist theoretical approaches are three major perspectives used to study society. Each approach has a unique way of viewing society, the individual, social order, and social change.
The functionalist perspective views society as a complex system of interrelated parts that work together to promote stability and order. According to this approach, each institution within society has a specific function that contributes to the overall well-being of the system. Functionalists believe that social order is maintained through shared values and norms that are passed down from generation to generation. Social change is seen as a gradual process that occurs when the needs of the society change.
The conflict perspective views society as a system characterized by inequality and competition for resources. According to this approach, conflict and tension are inherent in society, and social order is maintained through the exercise of power and domination by those in control. Social change is seen as a result of conflict between different groups with conflicting interests.
The interactionist perspective focuses on how individuals interact with one another and how these interactions shape society. According to this approach, social order is not predetermined, but rather the result of ongoing social interactions between individuals. Social change is seen as a result of changes in the ways in which individuals interact with one another.
In terms of the analysis of sports, the functionalist perspective would view sports as a mechanism for promoting physical fitness and providing entertainment for individuals. The conflict perspective would view sports as a way for those in power to maintain their dominance over others, often through the exploitation of athletes. The interactionist perspective would view sports as a way for individuals to form social bonds and establish relationships with others who share similar interests.
When it comes to the role of television in sports, each perspective would have a different interpretation. The functionalist perspective would view television as a means of disseminating information about sports to a wider audience, increasing participation and promoting physical fitness. The conflict perspective would view television as a way for those in power to profit off of the exploitation of athletes and control the way in which sports are presented to the public. The interactionist perspective would view television as a way for individuals to connect with other sports fans and form social bonds over a shared interest.