Social work learning agreement custom essay.

Several key documents must be synthesised into the Learning Agreement including the Practice Standards for the Australian Association of Social Workers, the AASW Code of Ethics, organisational Codes of conduct, CQUniversity’s
Student Charter, Student Misconduct policy, It policies and occupational health and safety policies.
The practice standards negotiated for learning in field education 1 in conjunction with those demonstrated in University coursework will determine the balance of practice standards to be completed in field education 2. In consultation with your
field educator you will need to determine which additional practice standards such as those for Indigenous practice, child well-being, mental health and cultural sensitivity , are also relevant.
Your Roles
You will need to take a proactive approach to drafting your learning agreement in the first week of field education in collaboration with your field educator. In some instances you will be with on site and off site field educators and you will
need to coordinate liaison so that all perspectives are included and approved in the final agreement.
NB the learning agreement should not be an regarded as an agreement confined to you and your host organization, The Learning Agreement as you will see below contains standards of practice that are related to your ongoing agreement with
CQ University.
Learning agreements must be signed and uploaded to modle.
Your learning agreement is a unique plan that articulates your journey towards professional entry. The document will need to demonstrate the conceptualization and organization of your learning needs, learning agendas, and methods for
demonstrating competency.
Use the following checklist in conjunction with the assessment criteria grid to scaffold your submission. All learning agreements need to include:
> A detailed cover sheet including student identification on all subsequent pages; page numbered; street address of the organization; contact details of field educator assigned; contact details of operational supervisors if applicable (see field
education manual 2015)
> Articulation of initial learning needs on entry of field education, (summery of assessments reached on placement
readiness process) (see field education manual 2015)
> Evidence of discussion about the role of social work or welfare students in the team and/or organisation in the general
> Articulation of learning goals for field education
> Articulation of learning objectives for field education

> Articulation of social work or welfare roles to be learned.
> A list of tasks and skills to be undertaken and learned.
> The methods of evaluating goals, objectives, roles, tasks and skills.
> The methods of recording standards or competencies achieved.
> Personal development goals (strengths and weaknesses)
> The time, place and frequency of the field education sessions (aka supervision)
> The roles and responsibilities of the student, the field educator and the organizational supervisor for the field education sessions.
Processes for addressing difficulties, tensions and conflicts in the field education relationship, other members of staff and University staff, ( see field education manual 2015)
> A record of student provisions (desk, phone, internet access etc)
> Agency working arrangements such as start and finish times, dress code, confirmation that the code of conduct or similar documents have been noted, confirmation that the student charter of CQ University have been noted.
> Signatures of field educator/s
PLEASE NOTE Students are required to manage an ongoing record of learning and supervision that will be attached to the final assessment of log of hours
The learning agreement is not a living document, it should reflect the goals to be achieved and must be done in
collaboration with your field educator. Any significant revision of the Learning Agreement that departs from the original document should be communicated to the Field Education Coordinator within (3) working days. You are encouraged to use your learning agreement at each scheduled field education session with your supervisor. The learning agreement and supervision record is reviewed at the field education visit, and any changes required can be made at this time, in agreement with both the field educator, University liaison person and the Field Education Coordinator.
You will be required to provide the field education liaison person with a copy of your learning agreement either prior to your mid placement review or on the day of your review.
The learning Agreement must be submitted to modle using Microsoft Word Document 300 word document

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