Server-side and Client-side hardware and software requirements of your information system

Server-side and Client-side hardware and software requirements of your information system

In this essay, you will provide an overview of the server-side and client-side hardware and software requirements of your information system. You will then focus the bulk of your essay on analyzing the competitive advantage that your information system provides to users of the system (or to the company who created and maintains the system) and on proposing your own recommendations for improving and enhancing the information system with additional features and functionality.

Before you begin writing, download the attached file, AnalysisEssay2Template.docx, and very carefully read and follow all instructions contained in the file. Also, make sure you compose your essay in the provided template file, as it is already formatted with the correct margins, fonts, headings and sub-headings, etc.

Your essay will automatically be checked for plagiarism by TurnItIn. You do not have to upload your paper to TurnItIn – it will be automatically submitted to TurnItIn for you when you submit your essay through the Assignments section of the classroom. Make sure you write in your own words – there must be no more than 5% similarity to sources to receive credit for this assignment.

Analysis of the server-side hardware requirements of the information system
Analysis of the server-side software requirements of the information system
Analysis of the client-side hardware requirements of the information system
Analysis of the client-side software requirements of the information system
Analysis of competitive advantage provided by the information system
Your three recommendations for enhancing/improving your IS with additional features and functionality

The three improvements that I suggested early as follow, but you can change them if you see its necessary.

1- I will recommend for the need to develop a Technology Usage Agreement for the staff that are using the system within the organization.

2- Second, I will get in touch with my Internet Service Provider to examine and to increase the bandwidth. When we increase the bandwidth it usually generates multitasking significantly easier and reduces application hang-ups that are affected by slow updating.

3- Third, choosing a perfect time where the entire employee is home to Schedule periodic maintenance downtime. It�s important to manage updates, scan for viruses and inspect error logs during the scheduled downtime to check for data loss or system outages.

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