
Question 1 – Refer to the following scenario to answer the question.
Hemlocks are a common type of tree in the northern forests of the United States. In studying one forest, a forester noticed that mature hemlocks were abundant but there were very few young hemlocks. She wondered why there were so few young hemlocks. By reading the records that other foresters in that area had kept, she learned that the population of deer living in the forest had doubled in the last five years. By reading studies on forests that other scientists had performed, she also learned that deer in similar forests like to eat young hemlocks and the young trees of other species.
In the scenario, the forester wonders why one forest had many mature hemlocks but very few young hemlocks. Which part of a scientific method does this best illustrate?
A.) asking a question and setting up an experiment
B.) forming a hypothesis and stating a conclusion
C.) communicating the results of a study
D.) making an observation and asking a question

Question 2 – Refer to the following scenario to answer the question.
Hemlocks are a common type of tree in the northern forests of the United States. In studying one forest, a forester noticed that mature hemlocks were abundant but there were very few young hemlocks. She wondered why there were so few young hemlocks. By reading the records that other foresters in that area had kept, she learned that the population of deer living in the forest had doubled in the last five years. By reading studies on forests that other scientists had performed, she also learned that deer in similar forests like to eat young hemlocks and the young trees of other species.
Which statement is a hypothesis that would best address the question, “Are deer eating the young hemlocks and preventing them from growing?”
A.) Deer will eat young hemlocks, but not old hemlocks.
B.)If the hemlocks are tasty to the deer, the deer will eat them.
C.)Deer are eating young hemlocks.
D.)If deer are eating young hemlocks, then keeping deer away from the young trees will allow the trees to grow.

Question 3 – Refer to the following scenario to answer the question.
Hemlocks are a common type of tree in the northern forests of the United States. In studying one forest, a forester noticed that mature hemlocks were abundant but there were very few young hemlocks. She wondered why there were so few young hemlocks. By reading the records that other foresters in that area had kept, she learned that the population of deer living in the forest had doubled in the last five years. By reading studies on forests that other scientists had performed, she also learned that deer in similar forests like to eat young hemlocks and the young trees of other species.
To test her hypothesis, the forester set up an experiment. She placed fencing around a group of 15 young hemlocks to prevent deer from eating them. She left a group of 15 young trees with no fencing around them. Each day, she examined the trees for evidence that deer had been eating their twigs and branches and counted the number of trees with visible bite marks. Which is the control group for this experiment?
A.) the young trees without fencing
B.) the young trees surrounded by fencing
C.) the number of deer in the forest
D.) the number of young deer in the forest

Question 4 – If you set up an experiment and the results do not support your hypothesis, what should you conclude?
A.) You may want to alter some aspects of your experiment and try it again.
B.) You should give up on this research project.
C.) You must have made a mistake in your experiment.
D.) Your hypothesis was flawed.

Question 5 – Which statement best illustrates how an organism maintains homeostasis?
A.) Female barn swallows mate with long-tailed males.
B.)Parents pass their traits to their offspring.
C.) Desert pack rats are active at night to conserve water.
D.) Young hawks have different kinds of feathers from adult hawks.

Question 6 – Which statement best represents how structure relates to function?
A.) Butterfly cocoons are often camouflaged.
B.) A horse’s mane is often black.
C.) Some insects live longer than others.
D.) Many tropical birds can be taught to speak.

Question 7 – Which of the following shows the levels of organization in a multicellular organism from the smallest level to the largest?
A.) organism, organ system, organ, tissue, cell
B.) cell, organ, organism, organ system, tissue,
C.) tissue, cell, organ, organ system, organism
D.) cell, tissue, organ, organ system, organism

Question 8 – Photosynthesis is the process whereby plants transform light energy from the sun into chemical energy. What is this chemical energy called?
A.) water
B.) carbon dioxide
C.) glucose
D.) carbon

Question 9 – How does eye location best represent the relationship between structure and function?
A.) It affects how an organism interacts with others in its population.
B.) It determines how an organism responds to changes in the length of the day.
C.) It determines how much of the surroundings an organism can see.
D.)It affects the how the color of the eye develops.

Question 10 – Which of the following best describes the dependent variable in an experiment?
A.) variable that is measured
B.) variable that you can see
C.) variable that is most common
D.) variable that is manipulated

Question 11 – Which of the following best defines homeostasis?
A.) influence of an organism’s external environment on behavior
B.) ability of an organism to find its own food
C.) maintenance of an organism’s internal environment within certain limits
D.) ability of an organism to find a mate

Question 12 – Biological organization extends beyond the organism to include which of the following?
A.) cells, tissues, and organs
B.) populations, communities, and ecosystems
C.) DNA, RNA, and protein
D.) family, genus, and species

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