School Improvement Plan
Use the School Improvement Plan to Guide and Monitor Progress 2016-2017 ( and (
The assignment includes the following steps:
Review of School Improvement Plan: Read a SIP from a K -12 school with a high percentage of ELL students. The SIP must include ELLs for this assignment.
Linkage of School Improvement Plan to School Assessment Results Within the context of the SIP, review the school wide assessment results for all students. List details for assessment results by ethnicity. Give any additional assessment results possible for ELLs. Link the SIP goals and objectives to the student assessment results, (e.g., a goal of the School Improvement Plan may be to improve ELL reading scores). (TESOL 4.a)
Attend a K-12 SIP meeting. Attend a SIP meeting or meet with the school’s SIP team to discuss a previous SIP meeting and summarize the discussion. Summarize the key ELL assessment elements of the SIP. (TESOL 4.a) Field Experience (3 hours). If you are unable to attend a SIP meeting, the instructor will provide an alternate activity.
Review- School Improvement Training: Using the SIP to Guide & Monitor School Progress 2016-2017 Training for all Schools at the following website:
school improvement project
1. Analyze the outcomes of the School Improvement Team meeting for support of the student assessment needs, and how each outcome supported the overall mission of the school. (TESOL 5.b)
2. Describe and propose activities that can be completed by the School Improvement Team to improve ELL student learning outcomes. (TESOL 5.c)
3. Propose activities based on the students’ assessment results that you can complete to contribute to the overall improvement of the school. (TESOL 4.c)
4. List the demographic information for the school and students used in this assignment, (follow the directions in Appendix A).