Sara Academic Essay

Sara (you remember Sara; she used to do security engineering for Etisalat ), is now working for a security
consulting firm that has multiple contract doing security analyses and penetration testing for ADNOC ADNOC
is corporate conglomerate that owns 18 subsidiary companies, e.g., ADCO, ZADCO, GACO (see ADNOC Wiki page).
Each subsidiary is responsible for creating profits.
In her new job, Sara working on a team working under a contract to perform penetration testing at ZADCO.
Her director manages several penetration testing contracts. Unfortunately, the firm underbid-bid its contract
with ZADCO and the project is over budget. If the situation continues, the manager will need to report a large
loss on the contract. This is something that he is unwilling to do.
Sara’s team chief advised her to start billing her hours against a contract with ADCO. Sara knows that this is
not really right and may actually be illegal. She also knows that she can request the instructions on how she
should bill her time should be given in writing. However, she knows the director is a high-wasta individual and
that if she protests she could well lose her job. Furthermore she reasons: all of these companies belong to ADNOC,
these contracts represent just a small fraction of ADNOC expenditures: and she is not sure whether anyone is really
hurt by billing her time against the second contract. She is now preparing her timesheet and needs to decide what to do.

Your task is to prepare a 500 word essay identifying what you would do were you in Sara’s position. Please follow the
instructions provided below:

1. Read the Wikipedia site linked above to get an overview of ADNOC operations.

2. Read assigned article, Islamic Ethics: An exposition for resolving ICT ethical dilemmas
by Salam Abdallah. Pay particular attention to the list of legal maxims listed on pages 294-295.
(No additional research is required, although I do encourage you to treat this as if it were a real
situation and seek out whatever assistance or additional sources of information that would help you make your decision.)

3. Consider the four questions suggested one should ask in analyzing an ethical dilemma.
(You do not have to specifically answer these questions in the paper, just consider them.) These are:

a. 1. Who will be hurt, and how badly?
b. 2. Who will benefit, and how much?
c. 3. What do you owe others, if anything?
d. 4. What do others owe you, if anything?

4. Your essay is to describe what you realistically think Sara should do based on your analysis of Islamic ethical
maxims and reasoning.


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