Review Questions Academic Essay

1. Everyone respond to DQ #2.
• Describe the three streams and the window of opportunity in your own words. No looking at the text! Imagine you are explaining it to a child.
• You’ll get extra brownie points if you share an example (not from the text).

2. Choose DQ #3, 6, or 7 (pick one).
• Your response should be at a minimum 2 paragraphs in length.
• For full points include at least one “real life” example (not from the text).
• Edit one final time before you hit the “submit” button, to make sure your post is clear and easy to follow for the rest of us. The DQ assignments have been terrific—you’ve set the bar high for yourselves!

(Health Policy Making in the United States is the name of the book the 6th edition )

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