rels12 Academic Essay

writing of one paper for the coursework please choose only ethier ”enthusiasm or zeal” only one to write about.. Please remember that you should be prepared to refer to 2 resources from the spirituality and practices website. Practice Go to and click on “enthusiasm or zeal” and explore what it says about each practice. Explore the resources: quotations, book excerpts, teaching stories, and daily cue, reminder, vow, practice, and exercise. These will enrich your understanding of the practice. Then, try it out. See how it goes. Reflect on your experience of engaging in this practice. her are the questions to help you out to write the paper:
1. Describe one spiritual practice chosen from the two practices assigned. – What is the spiritual practice? – How did you practice it? What was your experience in practice? Why/why not is this practice for you?
2. Write about two resources from the spirituality and practices website that add to your knowledge of this spiritual practice.Describe each resource and indicate the resource’s helpfulness in understanding this practiceless
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