Religious Academic Essay

Could religious experience and/or witnessing miracles make it rational to believe in the existence of God?

(3) Could religious experience and/or witnessing miracles make it rational to believe in the existence of God? (N.B. For this topic, you can write about either religious experience, or miracles, or both.)

Suggested Reading:

For religious experience:
“The Argument From Religious Experience” by A. E. Taylor in The Existence of God, edited by John Hick, pp.153-164.
A general background reference on this topic is The Idea of the Holy, by Rudolf Otto, on Short Loans. Taylor’s article makes reference to Otto.

D. Trueblood “The Evidential Value of Religious Experience” in A Modern Introduction to Philosophy, edited by Pap and Edwards, pp.435-445.

For some recent empirical findings that may have relevance to the issue, students might wish to take a look at the controversy surrounding the “God Helmet”. An introduction to the issue can be found at Students may wish to explore the issue further themselves.

For miracles:
“The Argument From Miracles” in John Hospers An Introduction to Philosophical Analysis [Second Edition] , pp.450-455.
“Of Miracles” by David Hume in Enquiry concerning human understanding
(4) Critically review Richard Dawkins’ The God Delusion.
Recommended Reading:
Richard Dawkins: The God Delusion.
Also useful: Alvin Plantinga’s Review of Dawkins, which can be found at

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Could religious experience and/or witnessing miracles make it rational to believe in the existence of God?

(3) Could religious experience and/or witnessing miracles make it rational to believe in the existence of God? (N.B. For this topic, you can write about either religious experience, or miracles, or both.)

Suggested Reading:

For religious experience:
“The Argument From Religious Experience” by A. E. Taylor in The Existence of God, edited by John Hick, pp.153-164.
A general background reference on this topic is The Idea of the Holy, by Rudolf Otto, on Short Loans. Taylor’s article makes reference to Otto.

D. Trueblood “The Evidential Value of Religious Experience” in A Modern Introduction to Philosophy, edited by Pap and Edwards, pp.435-445.

For some recent empirical findings that may have relevance to the issue, students might wish to take a look at the controversy surrounding the “God Helmet”. An introduction to the issue can be found at Students may wish to explore the issue further themselves.

For miracles:
“The Argument From Miracles” in John Hospers An Introduction to Philosophical Analysis [Second Edition] , pp.450-455.
“Of Miracles” by David Hume in Enquiry concerning human understanding
(4) Critically review Richard Dawkins’ The God Delusion.
Recommended Reading:
Richard Dawkins: The God Delusion.
Also useful: Alvin Plantinga’s Review of Dawkins, which can be found at
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